Tuesday, October 20, 2009

About posting on the blog

Does everybody know that you have to click on the little orange B in the top left corner in order to start a post? (Just fyi--it took me a while to figure that out.) Of course, there may be some other way that everyone else has discovered that I have yet to figure out. :-)

I cannot respond to posts. Can anybody help me with that? Obviously, I'm signed in because I can start new posts, I just can't respond.

I find Ning and Yahoo groups much easier to use than Blogger. (just whining...)

Response to Becky

One thing I learned last year is that writing workshop is hard! It's the epitome of differentiation and so rewarding--but tough. I say that, and I didn't even have to use CSCOPE or any mandated method, package, etc. (I am glad CSCOPE is moving in the right direction in case I ever have to use it.)

I needed a lot of guidance and support. I found some through books and online groups. I would say that (unless you read a book on WW by Katie Wood Ray, Lucy Calkins, Ralph Fletcher, etc.) it will be very difficult to have a good grasp on it until we finish all five sessions of the workshop.

Last year when I started, I decided to be satisfied with starting slow, getting my feet wet, seeing a little bit of its power, and being resolved to do better next year. :-)

I'm not finding the blog very user-friendly. I can't respond to posts. This is the second time I've tried to respond to someone and was unable to do it. I decided to just put it in a new entry.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Frustrated and a bit Discouraged

Well, since I don't see a lot of posts, and I am "stuck", I thought I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat. My heart wants to stop everything else I'm doing in my classroom and write! But alas, CScope is dictating much of what I do! I haven't learned the art of doing it all, even after 35 years of teaching!! So my question is, how do I facilitate writing for any length of time, when I am required to do so many other things instead, and at the same time? I am trying, but I just don't feel as if I'm doing a good job! Being a perfectionist of sorts, this is difficult for me. If we're gonna do it, let's do it right! I may be alone in this, and that's okay, but if I'm alone, that means there are bunches of you who have it all together! So...Help!!! I loved our workshop, and I learned so much. I am just having great difficulty getting started. Any ideas would be more than welcome! I can hardly wait to meet in November!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ok. I need help. I really enjoyed the Writer's Workshop meeting. I'm really excited about it and want to start using it ASAP. Only problem...... I haven't the foggiest idea where to begin. Help anyone????? I only teach 4th grade spelling, writing, and grammar, but am not sure how to incorporate the workshop into all of this. Any ideas????

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How is it going?

How is it going out there? What are your triumphs and challenges? I am planning for our next session. What do you need from me? Talk to me ladies. I am worried becuase you are so quiet! I am also cheering you on! Any steps you take to giving your students TIME to write, on a CHOICE of topic and the GRACE to be in the beginning stages of the Writing Club... is a move in the right direction! We are all in this journey together!