Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Having So Much Fun

Hello girls! I have had WW every day this week, and it is going really well! It's so much fun! The kids are just bananas over it. They get so excited that they can hardly wait until after recess, when we do it. If I'm a minute late getting started, they call me on it. It's so cool! We have made anchor charts and dedicated an entire bulletin board to writing. I bought some pocket-sized spiral notebooks for them to use as their "Traveling Writer's Notebook." You'd have thought I'd given them gold or something. Every morning they come in and show me their ideas for writing. One girl was in the middle of telling me something that had happened to her the night before, and in mid-sentence she said, "I should be writing this in my Writer's Notebook!" It was awesome! I just couldn't help but share with all of you. Thank everyone for their support and great ideas! Wow!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Finally Figured it out!

I have had the hardest time logging on. I just got my GMail account back on today (after many emails back and forth with goggle). I am not gifted with the skills for working online. I was very excited to read through the blog, I just wish I could have got it together a little sooner.
I am off to a promising start. We have established some good procedures, and started with the writing process. Some things are going great. Time is productive, lesson format (mini lesson, writing time, share time)is working, and seeing children trying new things. Some things are a struggle. Managing papers with 38 students(2classes), time to visit with everybody and meeting all students writing needs. I love the workshop and can not wait for tomorrow! I need someideas for time management:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting My Feet Wet

Well, I've made the plung and my Kindergarten class has started to create their own ideas on sequels to the Curious George books we have been enjoying. Just getting them thinking as writers was my goal and we have many exciting ideas developing. We decided as a class to have George at a Carnival. We are making Half books with lines at the bottom and space to draw at the top and folding them in half with a title on the outside; because authors are sometimes the illustrator of their book. Next step I will let each student decide and write on what will happen to George at the Carnival when he gets curious. We hope to have each student read their version of what happens to George.