Saturday, November 20, 2010

Writing is a Joy

My third graders look forward to writing now and even ask for extra times to write. Giving them the control of what to write I think makes the difference. They have the ownership so they can write about what they know. Paired with reading they see the conventions and are even trying to make their writings use what they see.

Mini lessons are coming along and they aren't overwhelmed with so much at once. No one moans when you say lets write. I hear "Yay!"

We do need bigger writing folders. Think I am going to try the expandable file folders. Not sure what size. If I get the bigger ones we can keep the notebook and writings in it. Maybe dividers to keep works in progress from completed work. I am open for suggestions. Thought I had it managed until the little folders we have are bulging.

Conferencing is getting a bit easier. Guess practice does help. We are working on writing partners and what that means. They are way to kind to one another so far. Constructive criticism must be a learned trait. I love teaching!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stage Two!

Met with my third grade this morning. They were excited and eager to hear about what I had learned in my workshop. I shared Peacocks and Dragons. We were right, dragons aren't scary. In fact, they just couldn't see it so I said, "Ok. You tell me what is scary." First they wanted to know if they could have cool pictures like my teacher gave me. I assured them that could happen if a picture fit the idea and after a short discussion it was decided to call our "feel good" side Butterflies and our scary side Ogres after the characters in Spiderwick Chronicles. (Mulgarath in particular) I even found appropriate pictures thanks to Google and we are all happy. They were surprised to see what things they thought of to put on their respective sides and are still working. They want to be careful to make sure the words fit. The thinking caps went on and the pencils went to work. I just love watching it all come together. I got a boost and so did they. The really exciting part is I have more fun things to share later thanks to the mini lessons and books.

By the way, someone had asked me about the 6 Traits Crate that I use in my classroom and today I realized they are put together by Sholastic. I got mine from Crystal Springs Books, but you may can find them closer if you look. There is one for each grade second through fifth for sure . I love that the books are included with a guide and a list of other picture books if you have access to them or want to purchase them. Kids seem to understand what I am talking about better when we share a book and listen to how a trait is used. All of this ties together so well. I just love it when plans flow together and kids are having fun learning. There is my Christmas bonus! Thanks Melissa.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Ready

OK Writers! I am getting ready for Institute #2! Are you ready for some football?! I can't wait to see you all again! :) Let's huddle up for minilessons... ready, WRITE!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Positive Input

Hello Writers! This is Becky Lamb, and I've been where you are! Many times, I still am! I know how stumped you can feel when it comes to Writer's Workshop, but don't give up! I have been reading Lucy Calkin's book, The Art of Teaching Writing, for 3 years! I reread it every year, hoping to gain more insight into what I need to do for my First Graders. It has been a blessing having Melissa come into my classroom and flesh out so much of what Lucy teaches in her book. I'm beginning to get it! I've discovered my expectations were way too high, so I got frustrated! Having come from the upper grades, I was looking for writing that I could immediately have kids edit and revise! "NOT YET!" I must tell myself! Let them have the freedom to learn to be writers. Affirm their efforts at every turn. They know so much. I am the one who must teach them, show them, how to express themselves on paper. They have the stories. I must gradually teach them how to put there stories down in "writing". Not necessarily with whole words and/or sentences on the page. I must first let them know they each have the most remarkable stories to share. It takes time...lots of time and a different kind of "writer's eye", where I look and listen to them tell me about their lives. Please be patient. You'll get it, and gloriously, so will they! Charge!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In a rutt

Does anyone else feel like they are in a rutt? I'm not real sure where to go from students have been writing pretty much everyday, but I don't feel like I'm with it quite as much as I was a few weeks ago. November can't get here quick enough!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Okay, I think I am missing a link. When do we revise and publish? I feel a mini lesson in here somewhere and not sure how to move forward. I have been "saving" our stories in a folder. Open House is coming up and I would love to have a good quality paper or am I rushing it?

We are stumped in third grade. Loving the writing time and being very productive. Just need to keep that ball rolling and keeping them excited about writing and reading.

What do you use for a grade? rubrics?

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ok ladies, I know we all have our way of doing things, but I would appreciate feedback on what works for ya'll for the following:

1. What do you do when student's paper is TOTALLY blank at the end of your WW time?

2. What do you do with their paper when they are "done". Do you keep it, send it home............?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

apples, peaches....

I had a teacher in my classroom who had been teaching full time and when it was time for her to let go of some lessons I immediately wanted to take over WW so that I could implement Melissa's ideas. Although my students loved the apples, peaches, pumpkin pie story starter and we have now created an extensive list of stories, it was tought getting started. I teach a bilingual class so some of my ELL's claimed that they did not have any stories to share. However after they would come in in the morning anxious to share something or after they shared some news from home or the weekend and I responded that these were stories and to be sure to share those if it was their turn during apples, peaches time it got easier for them to see themselves as having experiences to share and turn into stories. We are taking it slow, but loving it every day.

Another Day in Blooming Grove

Every day I work with writers in Blooming Grove- I am humbled by what an amazing gift I am given as an educator. Children are wonderful and the stories they have to tell are vast. I am reminded every day, that there is still so much for me to learn. Teaching Writer's Workshop is about having a core set of knowledge. It is about having a plan, but it is also about letting the writers teach you. There are so many moments when I think "I haven't even thought about that" or "I should teach them that". Teaching writers is dynamic- and isn't that awesome?

In Blooming Grove we now have very functioning writers folders. They are two pocket folders with papers added to the brads. One one side of the folder it says I'm Still Working On It and the other side says "I'm done with it for now". In the middle is lined paper that will eventually turn into a Writer's Notebook and so far we have added a list of topics to write about and a list of high frequency words to the middle as well. Also in the middle is a personal dictionary. I will be sharing that at the next meeting. Kids have their own personal words spelled correctly inside. I have conferences (1 minute) with a kid and they tell me words they want to know how to spell and I add them in there. I put dirt bike and football in a dictionary for Cody yesterday.

We have also assigned writing partners- like ability writers partnered together. They sit by each other for the mini-lesson and when they are done writing, they can go and work on their story/read their story to each other.

There is still SO much to teach them, but I keep in mind that we have every day to do it. A little at a time... drops of water will eventually fill a glass! Keep up the great work out there in your classrooms. I'll see you soon (though I know it may not seem like soon enough).

The Last Two Weeks

WOW! What can I say it has been great. I got in the classroom last week and decided to just jump in. I gave all my fourth grade classes a blank sheet of paper and said "Write me a story" The kids were like WHAT? I told them not to talk to me just write and you wouldn't believe it they did it. Out of all my classes I only had one kid who was like I can't do this. They have such an amazing imagination it was great. I looked over their papers and wrote good job on each of them so they all think they are great writers! One day I had a kid ask what our mini lesson was and he was sad when I didn't have one that day!

I also had kids bring in stuff to put in there writers notebook. Some kids didn't bring anything but the others who did had a blast putting their stuff in their. Now I have all the kids asking if they can do it. They really think it is neat when I will take a day and write when they are writing. They all want to know what I am writing about. I can't wait until the next workshop!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We need bi-weekly workshops! So many questions.......... We spent a few days on Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie. I can't even refer to the chart without the kids finishing the chant! I modeled writing my own story, sent a note asking for parents to send pics for ideas, introduced the writing folder and got to writing what? I know mini-lessons, but where do I go from here? Some kids wrote only thier name. Some wrote a list of words they copied from around the room. I didn't expect perfection, but I didn't expect this either. Once a student is "done" with a piece, what do you do with their writing? So many questions, but still LOVING it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week of September 27, 2010

Update from third grade: I am excited how the students have taken to the writer's notebook and writing. They are eager to get going and are picking up on the things that are important to put in a notebook. Some have brought pictures of family from home. some have added tickets from a weekend outing and one wrote a poem to his mom. Today one student brought a picture from camp.

We have fixed the front of the notebook to fit each individual giving it ownership. I took some scrapbook paper I found. Then we made letters for the name. Someone brought stickers from home. They grow each day. What a feeling. I found the "Ish" book and will share it with them. I am seeing an improvement in the writings in other subjects like math and science when I ask for explanations. This is such a good thing. I just love it when things blossom and spill over into other subjects. Don't you? Now to get those mini lessons in there. I get a bit long winded or something.

Friday, September 24, 2010

this week

This week in my classroom we did the Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie and my kids loved it. They loved to tell their stories and even started sharing more stories orally with each other throughout each day. So inspiring! We ended the week this week with getting our baseline writing sample. Several did very good. Big leap from where I saw my Kindergarteners last year at this point. I am really enjoying first grade and am so excited to implement this writing workshop in my classroom!
Thanks Melissa!
I have to bring a couple of my stories to share in the next class. One was very good for a first grader!
Next week I hope to start mini lessons and incorporate the writing folder. I plan to model writing my first story as well as using the writing folder materials while writing.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saving Grace.......

Melissa, thank you so much for being so motivating and such an inspiration. After the first two weeks of school I was ready to give up. I racked my brain trying to come up with ideas of jobs other than teaching. After your workshop, you gave me motivation to get up and go to work. I have something to look forward to now! I've been working my butt off putting together writing folders and trying to get everything in order to get the ball rolling. I know it's early, but I am really thinking I might like to teach a higher grade and focus more on writing in the future. I can't wait to see where this leads me..............

Dates of Next Writers workshop

For some reason this writer did not write down the dates for our workshops. Can anyone help me with the four dates that are left.
Thanks, Donna Riddle

Another Day in Blooming Grove

I just got back from another morning in Blooming Grove- and can I just say I am amazed! Remember- I have spent my last 4 years with Kindergarten writers who don't know yet how to use their alphabet to communication a story... now I am with first grade writers to start the school year- first grade writers who know their alphabet very well (way to go Blooming Grove Kinder teachers) and many sight words! So now we are working on the craft of writing a lot sooner than I have ever been able to before. Today's mini-lesson was for Writer's Gum. You will see the video at our next session on Mini-Lessons. Writer's Gum is a mini-lesson about stretching out words. It was so fun, and I giggled in my cubby watching their little faces as they participated in the lesson. I want you to know that we have 5 rules posted and they are referred to often! When a child is out of their seat and showing me their story, I just point at the rules and repeat... Stay in your seat to write! I love RULES for WRITER'S WORKSHOP! And first graders of course who care very much still about following the rules! We have done the BRAG BOARD, and today was our first chance at SHARE CHAIR! As students write, we are just walking around and encouraging students along. Making notes for future mini-lessons. I am going to do a mini-lesson next time on rereading our work- and how important spaces are to help us do that. I really am so impressed with Becky's class though and their hard work. Again, I know that it is because of the way writing was modeled (this is me patting myself on the back) and the slow way that we got them going! Becky is going to start to work on grouping the writers- into groups for conferencing purposes. So we will have a plan of kids to get to each day when they write- make sure we are getting to everyone and not always the same kids. I am in this journey with you this year ladies.. and I am LOVING every minute of it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Snag in my process.

Refresh my memory please. How do I get the students to use the notebook as a writer's notebook and NOT a journal? We are talking third graders and they have spent a few years writing in journals so this lesson was a success. Now it is time to learn an new concept and leave the old. There are a few that lapse back to the idea of a journal. "Today I..."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of 20 Sept

My plans for the week is to use the writer's notebook. Let the students put down ideas, especially on Monday. Then use an idea from the notebook to write a story . I have been allowing 30 minutes for my third graders to write and that seems to be a good amount for them. Several still have need of more time but most of them are just finishing up. Kids are still eager to use the notebooks and write. I shared some of the things I put in my notebook this morning and that prompted good questions and ideas on their part. I added a couple of family pictures and a drawing I like to doodle. Some wanted to bring pictures and I told them if it was okay with the parents, but to be sure the parents knew what they were going to do with it and IF there were questions call me. Thinking about a mass letter to parents about our notebooks. Open House is in a couple of weeks, so that might be a good time to share as well. Off to a good start in Jonesboro.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I was pumped after Thursday, but now reading everyone's posts I'm even more pumped!! Friday was kind of crazy.......picture kindergarten........but I did squeeze in my baseline assessment. I felt like such and idiot because it seems so common sense to hand students a piece of paper and say, "Write me a story," just to get a feel for where they're at, but let me tell you, that was a huge eye opener for me! As I walked around and took notes all of these mini-lesson ideas were firing in my head. For the first time I feel like I have a direction, I have control, and it feels great!
As I was getting the "I don't know how....." whines, I thought about the piece from Already Ready and after the time was up, I shared that with my kids. It gave me goose bumps to share that with them and see on their face that look of 'Maybe I can do this after all.........' All weekend I have been thinking about things to do for Writer's Workshop!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Plans for Monday-Friday

What have you planned for the upcomging week for Writing? Five days? Three days? Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie? Writer's Notebooks? Sound off.. share you plans! I want to think about your classrooms all week and the "starts" that will be happening all over Region 12.

This week in Becky's classroom we will be fine tuning our rules for writing time, getting our writing folders and learning how to put our papers away neatly inside as well as learning how to use the tools (the high freq words and ideas for writing)that is inside the folder so far. We will be learning how writers reread writing from the day before starting a new story and students will be getting a mini-lesson that gives them a writers tool for sounding out words.

Whew- I'm tired already! I hope Becky has her voice back...

Simply Amazing!

Thursday was an AMAZING Day! It is just what I needed. I have been begging to come for a long time and now my dream has come true! I am so excited to take my Kindergarten Writer's Workshop to the next level. One of the most awesome things about the process is that I do not feel like I am out on an island alone with this adventure. How wonderful is it that we have such a great support group where we can talk, brainstorm and learn so much from each other. Writing was the first thing I planned this week and can not wait for Monday to dive in head first with a better vision and a renewed sense of enthusiasm. Thanks Melissa for all of your inspiration and amazing ideas. You are an inspiration to education!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The best workshop ever!

The day finally got here. I have been looking forward to this workshop for two years!! What a great day. Presents and crafts and all that knowledge. WOW!! I have already learned more in this one of 5 workshops than I have in several years. Teaching writing to my second grade students is one my favorite things to teach. I look forward to the next session. I was just sorry that I had to leave at 2:45 to get back to school for a staff meeting.
Donna Riddle-Hubbard Elem.

Get Ready to Write

Hello writers! I am so excited to see all of you writing on the blog! I was in Writer's Institute last year, and it was AWESOME! Absolutely the best thing I've ever done! You are in for a treat every time you come together with Melissa! You'll learn so many things that work in the classroom when teaching little ones to write. I am privileged to have her working with writers in my classroom this year! It's phenomenal what first graders can do with the right instruction, and it's fun! They are lovin' it! I'm lovin' it too! Keep posting and talking about all you do.

First Day of Kid Writing in First Grade

Wow! What a great morning we just had in Blooming Grove with some amazing writers. Poor Becky had no voice and when I got there she was whispering to the kids at the carpet reviewing sight words and they were whispering back. That calm mood helped us with our first day of kid writing I'M SURE!

Remember... I have already done Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin pie with this group. They have watched me tell/write my own stories and Becky has done the same for a week. They have also heard their friends tell stories and draw the pictures. Today... they all got their own paper to write their own story. No folders yet, just an individual piece of paper...folders will come tomorrow.

We set up some basic rules to help the day be successful:
1) Stay in your seat to write.
2) Do what you know writers do.
3) When you are finished, get your reading tub.

We also did rehearsal for writing... I had all of them think of their idea and talk about their beginning/middle/end pictures before I sent them to their seats to work. The enthusiasm and confidence were there! They did so great. I walked around and praised them for their pictures.. and their hard work. I took notes when I could. I had a few kids who said "how do you spell..." and I said "Do what you know writers do" and that was all I had to say. I had kids who got up to come and show me their work and I said "Stay in your seat to write" and they went back to their desks. I had three kids still writing when the time was up, they will be able to see/read those stories and work on them again tomorrow... it was a great day!

I will clear up one thing that I want you to remember on this first day- we are not "fixing" writing on this day. EVERYTHING that they write is going to be perfect. We need them on this day to build confidence. We have the whole year to make the writing better- let's be sure that we get them love and feel good about writing first!

I did the Brag Board with them today.. I praised E. He was the first one done and he got his reading tub without needing a reminder! I praised A. she asked me how to spell McDonald's and I just said "do what writers do" and she wrote.. mkdonlds. Pretty good if you ask me! I also praised S. She is an ELL. She was writing a story about her dog- I learned the word for dog in spanish today- perro. We wrote that word together. I also learned that she does not have a sound/letter link in Spanish so I will stop making a link to Spanish names of letters for her- we will focus on English.

Next time we write I need to work on the use of crayons. We had kids coloring their pictures rather than writing their words. I didn't stress over it today, but next time we write, we will allow crayons- AFTER all their words are written!

I love being back in the classroom and having a chance to work with these writers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I was blown away by the training today! I'm all pumped up about Writer's Workshop! I can't wait to implement my Guidelines for Writer's Workshop and get the ball rolling!


love to be inspired!

I was so inspired today! I love Melissa for inspiring me at all the workshops I attend of her's. However, this is one that I am especially passionate about. I have done a form of writer's workshop in my classes over the last few years. The problem is I can never wrap my mind around the logistics of the whole concept and incorporating it into my classroom with all the demands of each day of teaching these days! I have read numerous books on writer's workshop but this is the first time I am hearing it step by step in a systematic approach that I know can work in my room with a little tweaking of my schedule! So excited to actually think I will teach it the "right" way with all this training this year! Oh, by the way, I am Jennifer, I teach 1st grade at Clifton Elementary. I have always pretty much taught Kindergarten so this is a learning year for me as well!

Great Day!!

Hi I am Carissa Poore and I teach 1st grade ELAR at Whitney Elementary. I am very excited about using writing workshop in my classroom. The class was wonderful today. Another teacher from my school attended last year and has been giving us so ideas to use, but I got sooooo much more today actually being there. So excited to get started.

carissa poore


My name is Crista, and I teach 3rd grade in Teague. I am so pumped about this Writing Workshop! I never have really had instruction on exactly HOW to teach writing, and I REALLY want to get my kids writing more. Really I think my biggest struggle will be finding the time to incorporate all I want to do in a day ~ I'm excited to start trying!

A Beginning

What a day! I am loving this workshop and can hardly wait to inspire some third graders to become writers. I know I have to throw in math and science and reading as well. I will get it done. Just enjoying being fired up and ready to share.

So Much Fun


I had so much fun with you today! Thank you! Thank you for making the committment to writing in your classrooms. Thank you for your enthusiasm and energy today. I wish you were coming back tomorrow. You are my favorite students this year and I already know you are destined for great things. Have fun with it- believe in yourself and your students. You can do this and I'll be here to help you do it. I am here holding your hand and feet to the fire! :) Email me if you need to...

We are ALL ISH... and ISH together.

About Me

I teach 3rd grade ELA at Academy ISD. I love teaching reading, but struggle with writing. I learned so much today and can't wait to come back for more.

about me

Hey! My name is Kathy Smith. I am teaching 2nd grade this year after 24 years in Kindergarten. I attended the one day writer's workshop last year and am looking forward
to learning more this year.


My name is Laura Bond. I teach second grade ELAR at Whitney Elementary. I am looking forward to using Writer's Workshop in my classes.


My name is Meghan Elder. I teach 1st grade in Whitney ISD. This is my seventh year to teach 1st grade. I teach reading/language arts, which I love!!!


I love the pace of the workshop. I want to be a writer!


Hey fellow writing teachers, I am so excited to start this series of writing workshops and getting my kinder babies on the road to being life long writers. I teach in Troy and this is my 6th year there teaching kindergarten. I look forward to keeping up with everyone and getting new ideas. Happy Writing!!!

Hello! Glad to be here!!!

I am so excited to start writing with my students. I expect great things from them!

About Me

Hi everyone! I am a fourth grade reading, language arts, and social studies teacher in Whitney. This is my fifth year teaching and my first year teaching language arts. I am really excited about this school year. If you have any tips or suggestions please send them my way. Since I have my summers off I spend part of my summer in Alaska working as a wrangler for a bible camp. Every summer is a new experience and I always come back home ready for a new start. I also got married on August 7th and am currently planning a huge reception in November. I would say I'm a little busy but I love every minute of everything I do!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Book: No More I'm Done

I just got a fantastic book for writer's workshop with primary students. It's called No More "I'm Done." You can read the entire book online for a short while at the link below.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Checking In

I am again very excited to Teach and Learn with you again in April. I would love to hear from you on email or via the blog. How are things going? What do you still need from me? Please give some feeback to the Institute. See you on the 15th.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday's Workshop

Well girls, I don't know about you, but I think Thursday's workshop was exceptional. It's so informative and so applicable! I used some stuff even today! You know, I've taught forever and a day, and there's still so much to learn that makes me a better teacher. I am thankful for the info and for the way Melissa presents it. The day literally flies by. Dare I's fun!! Thank you all for your input and enthusiasm. Keep writing!